XtaLAB Synergy-R

Project Description

The XtaLAB Synergy-R is the most powerful small molecule diffractometer available. It includes a high-flux, low-maintenance microfocus rotating anode, the PhotonJet-R, with a high-precision kappa goniometer and Rigaku’s own Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) X-ray detector the HyPix-6000HE. The PhotonJet-R X-ray source is comprised of a Micromax-007 HF rotating anode and a newly designed optic. It is available with either Cu or Mo anodes.

This single crystal X-ray diffractometer has been specially designed to fully integrate the rotating anode X-ray source with all system components and software making it a sleek, simple to use diffractometer without compromising the X-ray intensity.

For labs with high-throughput requirements, increasing the flux reduces data collection time and thus increases the number of samples that can be studied in your laboratory. For extremely small samples, additional flux will extend the minimum size limits for crystals that you can study.


  • Fast workflow due to complete integration of software and hardware
  • Excels at the most challenging applications, e.g. MOFs or incommensurate structures
  • Extremely high performance due to bright source, noise-free detector and fast goniometer speeds
  • Provides unparalleled throughput
  • Compact design to fit in your laboratory
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  • True shutterless data collection
  • Noise-free HPC X-ray detector for better measurement of weak data
  • 4-circle kappa goniometer with high accuracy and speed

Project Details